Tae Ashida

スイスのル・ローゼイ高校を卒業後、アメリカのロードアイランド造形大学アパレルデザイン科を卒業、芸術学士号を取得。1991年に「miss ashida collection」を発表。2012年10月、「TAE ASHIDA COLLECTION」を発表。同年秋、第54回FECJ特別賞受賞。 さまざまなシーンで活躍するアクティブで都会的な男女に向けてクオリティの高いモードを提案し、東京ファッションシーンを牽引する。2023年10月にメゾン創立60周年を迎えた。
Attended high school at Le Rosey in Switzerland, and university at Rhode Island School of Design in America
1991 Collection Debut
2012 Autumn: Awarded the Special Prize by FECJ (Fashion Editors’ Club of Japan)
2023 Oct. celebrated for 60th Anniversary of Jun Ashida Co. Ltd. (estab. 1963). Proposer of high quality high fashion styles for the active city-bred women and men engaged in work and play in the many-facetted life Tokyo.

1964 東京生まれ
Born in Tokyo

1977 東洋英和女学院小学部卒業
Graduated primary school at Toyo Eiwa Jogakuin in Tokyo

1980 東洋英和女学院中学部卒業
Graduated middle school at Toyo Eiwa Jogakuin in Tokyo

1983 ル・ローゼイ高校(スイス)卒業
Graduated high school at Institut Le Rosey, in Rolle, SwitzerlandEnrolled at Rhode Island School of Design in America

1984 ジャン・パトゥ社(デザイナー:クリスチャン・ラクロワ)で研修
Assisted at the Spring Summer haute couture collection1985 of Christian Lacroix for Jean Patou S.A.

1986 「最も美しいドレス」を制作したとしてニコル・ミラー奨学金取得
Awarded the Nicole Miller Scholarship for having designed “the most beautiful dress”

1987 ニコル・ミラー社(アメリカ・ニューヨーク)において研修
Assistant at Nicole Miller in New YorkGraduated from the Apparel Design Department of the Rhode Island School of Design as a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)

1988 株式会社ジュン アシダ入社
Entered Jun Ashida Co., Ltd. as a designer

1991 第1回「miss ashida collection」発表
以後年2回 東京コレクション参加
以後「クラッシィ」「ヴァンサンカン」「ミス家庭画報」 などで多数連載
Debut as an independent designer in charge of the “miss ashida” line, and has continued showing her collection bi-annually during Tokyo Fashion WeekContributed the column “Ashida Tae no Oshare no Seito” in Vingtaine, later called ClassyContributed columns to various magazines such as 25ans and Miss Kateigaho

1993 Jリーグ A.S横浜フリューゲルスのカップ戦ユニフォームデザイン 以後
東北高校女子 マックスファクター“SK-2” 帝国ホテル 他
Designed cup-game uniform for J-League soccer team AS Fleugels, and in succeeding years designed girls’ uniforms for Tohoku High School, Max Factor SK-II, and the Imperial Hotel, amongst others

1997 『芦田多恵のおしゃれの正統』出版(婦人画報社刊)
Publication by Fujingahosha of the book “miss ashida Style” detailing the career of Tae Ashida

2000 メドック・グラーヴ・ソーテルヌ・バルサック・ボンタンのワイン騎士団名誉称号を叙任
Appointed an Honorary Member of the “Commanderie du Bontemps de Medoc et des Graves, Sauternes et Barsac”

2005 日本テレビ系列「THEワイド」にコメンテーターとしてレギュラー出演
Began appearing as a regular panelist on the Nippon Television nationwide news program “The Wide”

2007 日本女子大学客員教授に就任
Appointed a Guest Lecturer at Japan Women’s University

2008 ブティック アシダ パリ20周年記念“Tae Ashida Collection in Paris”を開催
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Boutique Ashida Paris, presented her autumn-winter 2008-09 collection at Musee Galiera in Paris, together with a Vintage Collection exhibition of representative designs

2010 日本人宇宙飛行士 山崎直子さんの船内服デザイン
Designed an in-flight uniform that was worn in space by astronaut Naoko Yamazaki on the American space shuttle “Discovery”, the first time a fashion designer’s creation has been worn in space
Appointed advisory director of NPO Hands On Tokyo

2012 東日本大震災の復興支援を目的としたチャリティTシャツを制作
Produced charity T-shirts to support reconstruction after the earthquake disaster in East Japan
October : Debut of the "TAE ASHIDA" collection
Awarded the Special Prize by FECJ (Fashion Editors’ Club of Japan)

2013 日経優秀製品・サービス賞本審査委員就任
7月宮城県南三陸町の復興支援の一環として“Support Tohoku Eternal Project(S.T.E.P)”を発足
“MINA-TAN CHARM”(マスコット付キーホルダー)のデザインと技術指導を行う
Became a judge for the “Nikkei Superior Products & Services Award”
July: Initiated the “Support Tohoku Eternal Project” (STEP) to aid reconstruction in Minami Sanriku-cho in Miyagi Prefecture, and commenced design and technical assistance in the production of MINA-TAN CHARMS

2014 12月国立新美術館にて開催されたメゾン創立50周年記念展『エレガンス不滅論。』のアートディレクションを手掛ける
December: Managed the art direction of the exhibition, “The Survival of Elegance: 50 Years of Jun Ashida” held at the National Art Center Tokyo to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the fashion house.

2016 10月デビュー25周年アニバーサリーコレクションを開催
Celebrated her 25th anniversary as a designer
Produced the documentary “Embellir” directed by Takumi Saitoh

2017 ブルガリ アウローラ アワード 2017受賞
ノン・バイオレンス・プロジェクト ジャパンのアンバサダーに就任
Received the Bvlgari Avrora Award 2017
Appointed Ambassador of the Non-Violence Project Japan

2018 6月母校ル・ローゼイ高校(スイス)共学50周年記念“Women’s Talk”のパネルディスカッションのゲストスピーカーとして登壇
2019年春夏よりjun ashidaのクリエイティブディレクターに就任
June: Selected as a guest speaker at the “Women’s Talk” panel discussion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of women at Le Rosey in Rolle, Switzerland
From Spring Summer 2019 Appointed Creative Director of Jun Ashida

2019 TAE ASHIDAより初のメンズコレクションを発表
輝く女性研究者賞(ジュン アシダ賞)を科学技術振興機構に創設(芦田基金として協力)
Debut of the TAE ASHIDA men’s wear collection
Established the “Brilliant Female Researchers Award” (Jun Ashida Award) together with the Japan Science and Technology Agency, reconizing excellence in female researchers and the institutions supporting their work

2020 高品質・高機能なマスク“MASK by jun ashida”を製作・販売
売上の10%を新型コロナウイルス感染症対策の最前線で戦う保健所職員の皆様へ寄付支援 (2021)
Production and sale of high quality masks (MASK by jun ashida)
10% of all sales are contributed to public health center workers fighting at the frontlines of prevention efforts in the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)

2021 デビュー30周年を迎えた
30th anniversary of TAE ASHIDA's debut

Designer Tae Ashida








